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Plexr Treatment

Unlock Your True Beauty with Plexr
Reveal a Flawless Transformation

If you're looking for a non-surgical solution to address skin concerns, we're thrilled to introduce you to Plexr Treatment. Experience the power of this revolutionary technology that can help you achieve remarkable results without the need for incisions or downtime. Get ready to unleash your beauty potential and embrace a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance.

Plexr Treatment, also known as Plasma Skin Resurfacing, is an advanced non-surgical cosmetic procedure that utilizes plasma energy to improve various skin conditions. This innovative technology offers a safe and effective solution for a range of concerns, including skin tightening, wrinkle reduction, scar revision, and removal of skin lesions and imperfections.



30 Mins - 45 Mins


Not Required


2 - 3 Visits


Topical Anesthesia




Instantly get back to normal life, no bed rest
Plexr Treatment at Dmax Medical Center


Non-Surgical and Minimally Invasive: Plexr Treatment is a non-surgical alternative to traditional procedures, such as facelifts or skin resurfacing surgeries. It involves minimal invasiveness, avoiding the need for incisions or sutures, which means reduced discomfort and downtime for you.

Versatile Skin Rejuvenation: Whether you're concerned about sagging skin, fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, or unsightly skin lesions, Plexr Treatment can effectively address these issues. It offers versatile skin rejuvenation, catering to a wide range of skin concerns and providing you with a comprehensive solution.

Precise and Controlled: The Plexr device delivers controlled plasma energy to the targeted areas of your skin. This precision allows for precise treatment, minimizing damage to the surrounding tissues while effectively stimulating collagen production and tissue remodeling.

Minimal Downtime and Recovery: One of the significant advantages of Plexr Treatment is the minimal downtime associated with the procedure. While some post-treatment redness or swelling may occur, it typically subsides within a few days, allowing you to quickly resume your regular activities.

Long-Lasting Results: Plexr Treatment offers long-lasting results, as it stimulates the production of collagen and elastin fibers in your skin. Over time, you'll notice continued improvement in skin texture, firmness, and overall appearance.

What to Expect During Plexr Treatment

At DMAX Aesthetic Clinic, we prioritize your comfort and satisfaction throughout your Plexr Treatment experience. Here's what you can expect:

Consultation and Customized Treatment Plan: Our skilled practitioners will begin with a comprehensive consultation, where they will evaluate your skin concerns, medical history, and aesthetic goals. Based on this assessment, they will create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Plexr Treatment Session: During the treatment, the Plexr device will be used to deliver controlled plasma energy to the targeted areas of your skin. The procedure is typically well-tolerated, and any discomfort is minimized with the use of topical numbing creams or local anesthesia, ensuring your comfort throughout the session.

Post-Treatment Care: After your Plexr Treatment session, our experts will provide you with detailed post-treatment care instructions. These may include gentle skincare practices, avoiding direct sun exposure, and using appropriate skincare products to promote healing and optimize your results.

Follow-Up Sessions: Depending on your individual needs and treatment goals, multiple Plexr Treatment sessions may be recommended. Our team will guide you through the recommended treatment plan to achieve the best possible outcomes.


At DMAX, we are committed to providing exceptional aesthetic treatments with a focus on safety, expertise, and delivering outstanding results. With our skilled team of professionals and state-of-the-art technology, you can trust us to guide you through your Plexr Treatment journey with the utmost care and precision.



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